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Town of Newtown, CT                                             3 Primrose Street, Newtown, CT



The Sustainable Energy Commission held a regular meeting Thursday, July 19, 2012 in shared meeting room 3 of the Municipal Center located at 3 Primrose Street, Newtown, CT 06470.

The meeting was called to order by chairman, Kathy Quinn at 7:03 pm.

Present: Chairman, Kathy Quinn, Fred Hurley, Charlie Copp, Mark Sievel, Joseph Borst

Absent: Dan Holmes, Sarah Hemingway, James Gulalo, Barbara Toomey, Desiree Galassi

Guests: Robert Neal, President and CEO of Energy PRZ; Raquel Kennedy, Principal of Victory Energy Solutions; Diane McCarthy – Becury, Clean Energy Communities Program Administrator


Ms. Quinn shared a flyer from the Cultural Arts Commission about the Newtown Arts Festival on September 15 and 16. The Sustainable Energy Commission will plan on having a table at the event to gather sign – ups and promote the HES program.

Acceptance of June Minutes:

There was no quorum to accept the June minutes, they will be considered at the next meeting.

Old Business:

HES Program / Vendor Presentations

Diane quickly reviewed the HES and reminded the commission that there are 26 total vendors included in the program and Victory Energy Solutions and Energy PRZ were the first to respond to be the sponsored vendors in Newtown. As sponsored vendors, Victory Energy Solutions and Energy PRZ have agreed to make a $50 donation to the fuel bank for the first 100 homes they audit and a $25 donation for each house after that for one year. They have agreed to re-evaluate the fuel bank donations in one year.

In order to divide calls between the two preferred vendors there will be a single toll free number and Victory Energy Solutions and Energy PRZ will alternate calls, both Mr. Neal and Ms. Kennedy stated that they have worked together in the past and that the customer will come first. Mr. Neal and Ms. Kennedy are dedicated to making this program work and have aggressive plans for marketing and promotion.

Ms. Quinn informed the group that the HES program has the okay from the Board of Selectman. With the help of Diane, the commission will draft a letter to be sent out to town residents that will be signed by the First Selectman, Director of Public Works, and the Chairman of the Sustainable Energy Commission. Northeast Utilities would take care of printing and mailing out the letters to all CL&P customers in town. The first round of letters would be sent out around Labor Day and more letters can be sent out later if the commission wishes. Another possibility is to hold seminars at the library to educate the residents on the HES program and the Solarize Connecticut program. These seminars could be based on recent weather events to promote the benefits of the HES program.

In order to promote the program, there will be notices on the websites, as well as having press release in local newspapers. There will also be a Grassroots campaign where ambassadors will go door to door asking residents to participate. Mr. Neal suggested getting the sports teams involved and possible give them a small donation per house they recruit to the program. Mr. Neal said he will speak to the Newtown High School Athletic Director about getting some support. They are also planning on attending local events like the Farmer’s Market, church fairs, and any other local event. The marketing tactics will be changed depending on the season, showing residents that the HES program benefits all year long, not just in the winter. It will be important to have key town leaders participate and have their homes audited and lead by example.


Mr. Hurley is planning on sending a letter to other commissions about the process and appropriations that will be necessary. They also need to consider whether they want funding for the consultant. Mr. Hurley also noted that some projects will need to be discussed more quickly than others and that all of the necessary boards and commissions in town need to be brought up to speed.

Solar Panels

Mr. Hurley said Newtown was one of 84 applications approved for funding for the Middle School. Newtown’s bid was in mid – range and has resulted in a lower cost per kilowatt. Next, the PPA will be need to be consummated by August 7 and the state and other agencies will review it again to ensure it stays within contract. Newtown will look into participating in the next round for applications as well and Mr. Hurley has a few companies interested in applying for the next round.

Water Treatment Plant

Mr. Hurley stated the next steps are for CL&P to complete witness testing which should result in the plant being certified by the end of August.

Transition Movement

Ms. Toomey had the photos and easels set up at the concert in park and is planning on displaying them around town. She is also planning on holding a few movies in the fall. An idea brought up was to combine vendor seminars / presentations with the movies being shown.

Go Green Website

Ms. Quinn has the material from Sonia and is waiting on the codes from Dan

Energy Star Portfolio Manager

Ms. Quinn noted there was no update this month on Energy Star.

New Business

No new business this week.


Ms. Quinn adjourned the meeting on her authority at 8:15 pm as there was no quorum.

The next regular meeting will occur on Thursday, August 16, 2012 at 7:00 pm at the Newtown Municipal Center in Shared Meeting Room 3.

Submitted, Jessica Smith, clerk.